MeSseD: New animated short
META DATA DATA StartFragment In celebration of our new MeSseD Vol. 1: Follow the Flush trade, MeSseD illustrator Dylan Speeg has mashed...

Meet the Allicrocs in Bask
Bask introduces the allicrocs to the MeSseD world. The allicrocs are a mutated hybrid of alligators and crocodiles able to survive in the se

Where's Akka?
Hello Fellow Flushers, You might have been wondering, where was Akka during the Filament arc of "Mother," "Hunt" and "Flowers"? Akka was...

Who's your Momma?
Hello Fellow Flushers, Who's ready for another chapter? This is "Mother", and the beginning of a three part story arc for MeSseD. So far,...

What's a "Fatberg"?
Okay Fellow Flushers, we have the first ever "Fatberg" in comics! Only in MeSseD Comics does this kind of thing happen... Check out...

What are "Dreg Sprouts"? Find out in Echoes...
What!?! There's a new chapter of MeSseD!?! MeSseD Comics are back! This indie comic from Cincinnati, Ohio invites you on a ride-along:...

New Trailer Tuesday! Who Keeps the Flow?
Hey Flushers! We just finished this brand new trailer for MeSseD and couldn't wait to show you! Check it out:

Now Available: Lucky!
Who's ready to read a new chapter?! Do you believe you can change your luck? Filter worker Sandshell does. Join her on a brand new sewer...

Now Available: Beautiful Dreamer!
Who's ready to read a new chapter?! You're homeless, cold, and broke. You need shelter, safety from the elements. Where do you go? In...

"Scrape" is Now Available!
Who's ready to read a new chapter?! I love this chapter because it features my favorite sewer creatures, the filaments! Check them out in...