MeSseD WEARNOW: Lavomatic Day!
Don your fandom. Go to The Roots.
Oh and don't forget to wash your fandom as well ...
MeSseD Comics by Creative Mussel needs you to subliminally convert the masses to follow that flush.
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“In quiet moments, my imagination takes over.
I’m no longer folding laundry, my astral self goes deep into the tunnels.
I’m Lilliput. I’m fighting sentient tangles of bacteria.
I’m lunching with my favorite cockroach, talking about the cost of peace.
I’m with my partner-in-slime, Akka, exploring sewage made caverns.”
Photography by @dylanspeeg
Model Wednesday Wood @miercolesmuses
Words @jaykalagayan
Comic book illustration by @dylanspeeg
MeSseD WearNow t-shirts
Artwork by @dylanspeeg
Design and logo by @graker
Check link in bio to purchase MeSseD wear from @redbubble